Our Story

Kantu’s founder, Maggy Gutierrez, was born in Peru, surrounded by the breathtaking landscapes of the Andes, the abundant waters of the Pacific Ocean, and the enchanting biodiversity of the Amazon. Life eventually led her to the United States, where she built a loving family and pursued a career in Corporate America. Her profession allowed her to explore the world and immerse herself in diverse cultures.

As time passed, a yearning to reconnect with her roots grew stronger. In March 2020, she made a pivotal decision to establish Kantu. Reflecting on her experiences with clothing during the colder months, she remembered the need for warm yet versatile attire that could maintain a professional image, transition seamlessly to social events, and comfortably move from outdoors to indoors. She sought a style that was classic with a modern twist, incorporating vibrant hues. This inspired her to showcase the beautiful alpaca yarn from her homeland.

Sustainability and ethical sourcing were crucial considerations in her choice. Maggy was determined to create luxurious, comfortable, and versatile garments while maintaining a strong commitment to ethical practices and environmental consciousness.

At Kantu, we cherish our heritage and support Peruvian communities through the sale of unique and luxurious clothing. Embracing generosity, authenticity, and self-expression, Kantu spreads love and showcases our vibrant culture worldwide. With meticulous craftsmanship and attention to detail, each piece epitomizes sophistication and celebrates our artisans' skills. We are immensely grateful to collaborate with them, bringing our vision to life through our products. Together, we weave a tapestry of tradition, creativity, and sustainable practices.

Join us at Kantu on a journey of celebration, where our passion for Peruvian artistry and commitment to a better world intertwine beautifully in every stitch.

Kantu: Where Tradition, Creativity, and Sustainability Weave a Better World